Wednesday, February 08, 2006

wow, it's been a while

It's been a long time since i've posted anything of any relevance or importance on this blog. Even now, I have nothing worthwhile to say. I will say that I am at this moment fed up with my restaurant. Does anyone out there want to give me a place to call my own? I have great menu ideas, a pretty good head when it comes to food cost and labor cost, and a fairly good direction when it comes to a business plan. I just need the resources and/or the backing. Mostly the backing. My wife, I just got married in October, wants to move. I want to NOT be renting anymore. Although we HAVE graduated from renting an apartment, to renting a house. However, it's still renting. I need a raise at work, or a promotion or both. Or a new job where the pay is higher or the position is higher with a higher pay scale. Which I guess would cover the higher pay criterion. I'm days away from selling off my treasured camera gear, first I'll sell off my plasma and platelets. Do they pay you for platelets? I know you get money for plasma, but platelets? There's no way in hell I'm selling any of my Star Wars collection...yet. But it's not entirely out of the question. I just hope it doesn't come to that. Anyways, I'll be blogging more often soon enough. Possibly after being lightheaded from my plasma "donation"...